
The founders understood that slavery was

wrong on principle that it's by

definition an injustice
and they

understood it as

hamilton and madison both referred

to slaves as men
this is a critical

insight because
if slaves are men if

slaves are human beings then that means

that they have inalienable natural

and that means that slavery can

only rest on the basis of positive law

it's by definition an injustice

they understood it as such

thomas jefferson in one of the most

famous statements on slavery to come out

of the american founding query 18 in

notes on the state of virginia explains

that slavery is at war with human nature

and with justice he says it's bad for

slaves because it teaches them to hate

their country and it teaches them to

lack self-assertion but it's also bad

for masters it teaches masters to become

tyrants it warps them it teaches them to

have contempt for the rights of other

human beings and once they learn to have

contempt for the rights of their slaves

they then transfer that and learn to

have contempt for the rights of others

who are not slaves

finally it's bad for society it's bad

for the country as a whole

says that we are so wrong on the

question of slavery that it is certain

that god will punish us if we don't get

it right in fact he says if it ever came

down to a contest between slaves and

masters over the future of the country

jefferson says quote

the almighty has no attribute which can

take side with us in such a contest

unquote so in short

we can see pretty quickly that the

founding fathers understood that they

had a colossal problem on their hands

slavery was a massive injustice and

they understood it as such

what did the founders do about slavery

because again

to say that they did not end slavery

altogether is not the same as saying

that they did nothing about it


during the founding and early american


nine states became free states

all of the states the original states

north of maryland so from pennsylvania

northward became free states abolished

slavery in one way or another


eased their manumission laws
and a

manumission is simply an individual act

of emancipation where
an individual

owner frees an individual slave so it

was made easier to free one slaves in

the southern states that retained

slavery and as a result

thousands of slaves were manumitted now

this does not end the institution of

slavery altogether but it is certainly

important to you if you are one of those

thousands who was manumitted during this


we also see instances of southern courts

favoring the claims of slaves who were

suing for their freedom in fact

this is

how the
dred scott case got its start in

the missouri state courts

in ruling against dred scott in 1850 the

missouri supreme court admitted that if

dred scott's case had come before the

court say 10 years earlier they most

certainly would have would have freed

him but times had changed and so they

were no longer honoring the the friendly

agreement that they had with free states

to respect the laws of those states

because of the intensification of the

slavery controversy there were also

reforms in the slave states that

to recognize the humanity of slaves by

the beginning of the 19th century north

carolina had reformed its laws so that

killing a slave carried the same penalty

as killing a free person it was still

hard to obtain a conviction but at least

this is a recognition that a slave is in

fact a human being and not an article of


there was the
abolition of the slave

trade which was legally abolished in

1807 and the abolition took effect in

1808 later on the slave trade was

declared to be piracy making it a death

penalty offense

this was a law which was extremely hard

to enforce in the age of sale but at

least you have a declaration of a

commitment to end this inhumane practice

if one looks to the constitution itself

one notices that conspicuously absent

from the entire constitution including

the provisions that deal directly with

slavery is the word slave in any


madison frederick douglass abraham

lincoln all came to the same conclusion

about why this was the case

they did not want to taint the document

with any implication that slavery

existed so that if someone came along in

the future without any particular

knowledge of our history or politics

they could not read the original

constitution and know that slavery had

been a part of it

if one turns to the particular

provisions in the constitution that deal

with slavery we also can see ambiguities

and compromises

that that reflect the founders desire to

see slavery

gradually removed from our society

importation clause in article 1

section 9 was looked upon by many people

as a death sentence for slavery
it was

widely believed at the time that slave

populations could not be self-sustaining

that only continual importation

would allow slavery to survive in a

particular community and so many people

such as james wilson believed that

cutting off the slave trade killed

slavery itself and that proved to be

largely true in many places except in

america in america the slave population

contrary to expectations prove to be

finally if one is

looking at what the founders did about

slavery perhaps the most important thing

that they did about slavery was to pass

a piece of legislation called the

northwest ordinance so the northwest


was uh the full area in which the

federal government could control slavery

and the northwest ordinance banned it in

perpetuity and it was passed by a large

margin in congress both times under both

forms of government this was significant

in a number of ways

indiana when it petitioned for statehood

asked for the right to be exempt from

the northwest ordinance now one does not

ask for that exception if one wants to

be a free state and the federal

government told them that they were not

exempted they could remain free under

the northwest ordinance or they could

become a free state so

it certainly made one state that might

have been a slave state into a free

state it provided when we got to the

civil war

an enormous amount of manpower and

material resources for the union war

effort and finally

the language of the slavery prohibition

in the northwest ordinance became the

basis for the 13th amendment to the

constitution outlawing slavery

nationwide by constitutional amendment

so many things were done to restrict

slavery to hem it in as lincoln would

later say within the narrowest limits of



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The founders understood that slavery was

wrong on principle that it's by

definition an injustice
and they

understood it as

hamilton and madison both referred

to slaves as men
this is a critical

insight because
if slaves are men if

slaves are human beings then that means

that they have inalienable natural

and that means that slavery can

only rest on the basis of positive law

it's by definition an injustice

they understood it as such

thomas jefferson in one of the most

famous statements on slavery to come out

of the american founding query 18 in

notes on the state of virginia explains

that slavery is at war with human nature

and with justice he says it's bad for

slaves because it teaches them to hate

their country and it teaches them to

lack self-assertion but it's also bad

for masters it teaches masters to become

tyrants it warps them it teaches them to

have contempt for the rights of other

human beings and once they learn to have

contempt for the rights of their slaves

they then transfer that and learn to

have contempt for the rights of others

who are not slaves

finally it's bad for society it's bad

for the country as a whole

says that we are so wrong on the

question of slavery that it is certain

that god will punish us if we don't get

it right in fact he says if it ever came

down to a contest between slaves and

masters over the future of the country

jefferson says quote

the almighty has no attribute which can

take side with us in such a contest

unquote so in short

we can see pretty quickly that the

founding fathers understood that they

had a colossal problem on their hands

slavery was a massive injustice and

they understood it as such

what did the founders do about slavery

because again

to say that they did not end slavery

altogether is not the same as saying

that they did nothing about it


during the founding and early american


nine states became free states

all of the states the original states

north of maryland so from pennsylvania

northward became free states abolished

slavery in one way or another


eased their manumission laws
and a

manumission is simply an individual act

of emancipation where
an individual

owner frees an individual slave so it

was made easier to free one slaves in

the southern states that retained

slavery and as a result

thousands of slaves were manumitted now

this does not end the institution of

slavery altogether but it is certainly

important to you if you are one of those

thousands who was manumitted during this


we also see instances of southern courts

favoring the claims of slaves who were

suing for their freedom in fact

this is

how the
dred scott case got its start in

the missouri state courts

in ruling against dred scott in 1850 the

missouri supreme court admitted that if

dred scott's case had come before the

court say 10 years earlier they most

certainly would have would have freed

him but times had changed and so they

were no longer honoring the the friendly

agreement that they had with free states

to respect the laws of those states

because of the intensification of the

slavery controversy there were also

reforms in the slave states that

to recognize the humanity of slaves by

the beginning of the 19th century north

carolina had reformed its laws so that

killing a slave carried the same penalty

as killing a free person it was still

hard to obtain a conviction but at least

this is a recognition that a slave is in

fact a human being and not an article of


there was the
abolition of the slave

trade which was legally abolished in

1807 and the abolition took effect in

1808 later on the slave trade was

declared to be piracy making it a death

penalty offense

this was a law which was extremely hard

to enforce in the age of sale but at

least you have a declaration of a

commitment to end this inhumane practice

if one looks to the constitution itself

one notices that conspicuously absent

from the entire constitution including

the provisions that deal directly with

slavery is the word slave in any


madison frederick douglass abraham

lincoln all came to the same conclusion

about why this was the case

they did not want to taint the document

with any implication that slavery

existed so that if someone came along in

the future without any particular

knowledge of our history or politics

they could not read the original

constitution and know that slavery had

been a part of it

if one turns to the particular

provisions in the constitution that deal

with slavery we also can see ambiguities

and compromises

that that reflect the founders desire to

see slavery

gradually removed from our society

importation clause in article 1

section 9 was looked upon by many people

as a death sentence for slavery
it was

widely believed at the time that slave

populations could not be self-sustaining

that only continual importation

would allow slavery to survive in a

particular community and so many people

such as james wilson believed that

cutting off the slave trade killed

slavery itself and that proved to be

largely true in many places except in

america in america the slave population

contrary to expectations prove to be

finally if one is

looking at what the founders did about

slavery perhaps the most important thing

that they did about slavery was to pass

a piece of legislation called the

northwest ordinance so the northwest


was uh the full area in which the

federal government could control slavery

and the northwest ordinance banned it in

perpetuity and it was passed by a large

margin in congress both times under both

forms of government this was significant

in a number of ways

indiana when it petitioned for statehood

asked for the right to be exempt from

the northwest ordinance now one does not

ask for that exception if one wants to

be a free state and the federal

government told them that they were not

exempted they could remain free under

the northwest ordinance or they could

become a free state so

it certainly made one state that might

have been a slave state into a free

state it provided when we got to the

civil war

an enormous amount of manpower and

material resources for the union war

effort and finally

the language of the slavery prohibition

in the northwest ordinance became the

basis for the 13th amendment to the

constitution outlawing slavery

nationwide by constitutional amendment

so many things were done to restrict

slavery to hem it in as lincoln would

later say within the narrowest limits of



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